Computer spec for led screen with 1 million pixels

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Computer spec for led screen with 1 million pixels

Post by Magicswe »

I have a led screen 5x3 meter Pp3.9.
Where i will use Madrix 5 pro for video and the shape generator.
Is there any specification / tips on which computer components one should use for this to work well?
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Re: Computer spec for led screen with 1 million pixels

Post by Schulze »

Hi Calle,

First I need to say, that MADRIX is rendering on the CPU, therefore the performance of the GPU is less important. That means you should give the priority to the CPU.

Please note: The needed PC power doesn't only depend on the desired output universes/channels and thus can vary greatly.
It mostly depends on the following information:
- The used matrix size.
- The amount of effect layers, which you want to use at the same time.

Nevertheless for controlling one million DVI pixels you would need a computer, which should consist at least of the following components:
+ Intel CPU with at least 8 cores and 16 threads and a base frequency of > 3,1 GHz per core (for example Intel Core i9-9900K).
+ A dedicated graphics card (for example at least a NVIDIA Geforce RTX 2060).
+ 16 GB RAM.
+ SSD (I recommend to us a NVME m.2 flash drive, because it greatly improves your over-all system performance).
+ A quality Mainboard with a chipset, which can handle the CPU and RAM.
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